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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. On 24th September I will be completing Tough Mudder London South - 12 miles and 20 wet, muddy obstacles - t...

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0% of $122
$0 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $150,000
$0 Raised
Help African Childs
We are dedicated to ending hunger and poverty in rural Africa . 250 million people in Africa, farmers and their families, suffer hunger and malnut...

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0% of $8,000
$0 Raised
help helpless people

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
My fundraiser
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0% of $2,000
$0 Raised
darren baker
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Louise Harding
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Perham epsom 12
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $150
$0 Raised
Sid Lewis
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $7,500
$0 Raised
Nicola Quick
I am taking part in both the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd October the Great West Run on Sunday 16th October. Please help me support the amaz...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Fantasy fear
Having walked past the Oddessy for 3 days and being to scared to go on I realised that I am actually lucky that I can. People with disabilities don...

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0% of $250
$0 Raised
NCS G2 Charity fundraiser
For our NCS social action project, we have decided to raise money and create awareness for three mental health charities: PAPYRUS, CHUMS and MIND. ...

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0% of $2,000
$0 Raised
Lambeth and Southwark Mind
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Buy a gift in memory of a l...
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Caroline Gachathi
I am looking to raise money to buy backpacks and tennis shoes for kids at Stella's Voice. I will be going to Moldova in about a week's time, to ...

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0% of $250
$0 Raised
HSBC triathlon
I am doing a triathlon for Forest Pulse. Forest Pulse is a registered charity which provides a range of exciting out-of-school social, sport and re...

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0% of $100,000
$0 Raised
We are couple named Caroline and Freddie Dent, We are blessed by the Lord and decided to help the people in need because we know what it feels like...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Epsom Medical Equipment Fun...
We are a group of young people from Epsom and surrounding areas, taking part in the fantastic NCS summer programme. Part of this programme include...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
So in 9 weeks... 17/09/2016 I and a few others will be taking part in the Tough Mudder event in London. WHAT!? WHY!? I must be crazy but I'm going ...

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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Daniel Monk
I'm running the GNR this year for Silverline Memories, a local charity that works with people and families living with dementia, please give genero...

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0% of $150
$0 Raised
Caroline Howe
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Darren Riggio Skydive
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $300
$0 Raised
Melissah Silva
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
Beef's hike 2016
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are saf...

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