It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized February

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100% of $395
$395 Raised
Man on the RUN
As some of you may know, my older brother Del was diagnosed with a brain tumour in March of this year. Fortunately for us, the fantastic staff at...

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67% of $1,000
$666 Raised
Marathon for Human Rights
For the last few years before I left for the UK, I was involved working with asylum seekers and refugees in Melbourne and Perth. The experience ope...

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156% of $50
$78 Raised
HR Charity Rounders Match
Fun rounders match to get out of the office into the sunshine and raise some money whilst scoring some rounders!

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105% of $100
$105 Raised
Death By ToughMudder
Coming out of the Forces is a tough time for many and leaves a huge number feeling lost and alone, which can lead down darker avenues. In times of ...

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99% of $2,000
$1,985 Raised
13 miles of stupidity - Sar...
Hello there you lovelies... We (Cleo, Dora and Sarah) are running the Royal Parks half marathon in October - foolish, we know - but we're doing ...

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137% of $100
$137 Raised
Great North Run - 13.1 mile...
I'm taking part in this years Great North Run in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, I have grown up watching this on tv and decided last year that I ...

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178% of $300
$534 Raised
Pedalling for GCA!
Hugh,John, Martha and Martha's Dad Peter will be taking part in Pedal for Scotland on the 7th September to raise funds for Glasgow Council on Alcoh...

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117% of $499
$584 Raised
Royal Parks half Marathon L...
Dear Friends, I'd be grateful if you could help me reach my target and donate to UNICEF through self - inflicted pain induced by over exertion w...

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76% of $100
$76 Raised
Meg's Great Scottish Swim!
My name is Meg Wright, and I'm the CEO of Glasgow Council on Alcohol. I have always loved swimming outdoors, but have never really challenged mysel...

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100% of $250
$250 Raised
Ealing Half-Marathon 2014
The world is a little scary right now.. And I really like this Chinese Folk Tale... "One day an elephant saw a hummingbird lying on its back...

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110% of $200
$220 Raised
Push me over the winning li...
I am doing the great north this year for an amazing charity whose heart sits in the north east providing superb respite for children families livin...

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76% of $250
$190 Raised
Holly's Great North Run!
I am going to attempt to complete the Great North Run this September and hopefully raise loadsa dosh for Save the Children along the way. Save ...

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110% of $200
$220 Raised
It's a bloody long walk!
Hi, and thanks for visiting my fundraising page. So, I have 200 words to convince you to part with your dosh but I'm hoping that I might have h...

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113% of $300
$340 Raised
Matt is running the Great N...
Hi, My "prologue" event before the Berlin Marathon this year will be at the Great North Run, which is a great opportunity to raise some much nee...

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7% of $750
$50 Raised
Ruth takes on the Great Nor...
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I used to choose to miss the bus/train rather than run to catch it, but thanks to encouragement fro...

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13500% of $1
$135 Raised
1,000 miles, 365 days, 1 ma...
Severn Hospice sits at the heart of the community in which I grew up. The end of life care they give and support to loved ones has touched thousand...

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185% of $200
$370 Raised
Is it a flappy bird? Is it ...
Ok, so after being put under much duress and guilt from my signed up best friendlings and a moment of madness it has been decided that on the 16th ...

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2% of $1,000
$18 Raised
Yer gunna need a bigger buc...
ICE BUCKET NOMINATIONS! "If your mate told you to Chuck a bucket of ice cold water over your head, would you do it??"...Damn right you would!! ...

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167% of $150
$250 Raised
James' Triathlon
On 10th August I am hopefully going to complete the Erewash Triathlon is support of the Teenage Cancer Trust. Currently the trust are supporting my...

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123% of $700
$861 Raised
100-mile ride for the Strok...
I will be doing the Prudential 100 on 10 August and this time I'm trying to raise money for the Stroke Association. Please spare a few quid if you ...

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100% of $350
$350 Raised
Prudential Ride 100
Hi All, I'm raising money for Whizz-Kidz, they buy wheelchairs and mobility aids for disabled children. This massively enhances their lives and ena...

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2% of $250
$5 Raised
Rich's London Triathlon att...
Hi, I'm swimming (750m)/cycling(20km)/running(5km) the London Sprint Triathlon Sat 2 August and would be really grateful for any donations to T...

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125% of $250
$313 Raised
48 Hours Of Scary Silence
I want to do 48 hours of silence because I believe that no-one should lose their voice to people who don't care what other people have to say. Ever...

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147% of $375
$550 Raised
Brass and a Bike
Raising funds to get to the Nationals at Cheltenham

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