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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
Phil Gallantine and David T...
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0% of $600
$0 Raised
Mental Health and Addiction
On the 20th of May, I am running in the Manchester 10k to raise money for the Kaleidoscope Project. The project supports people who suffer with men...

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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Chris kinder
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100% of $100
$100 Raised
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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Walk.the distance of Lake M...
I am walking the distance across Lake Malawi over two days. That's 47 miles which is almost two marathons back to back! I would love you to sponsor...

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0% of $200
$0 Raised
Beth Savage
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3% of $800
$21 Raised
New camera for my hobby
Hy! I am a young potographer and i don't have a camera and ai wish you have even 1 pound for my dream . Thank you😀💖

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
8% of $500
$40 Raised
My dream
Why i want this money? Because i have bad financial problems I want to open a small shop with a natural juice! My parents don’t support me..I work ...

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10% of $10,000
$1,000 Raised
COG customer donations
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50% of $1,200
$600 Raised
Lesotho Expedition
Please help me raise funds for my trip to Lesotho! I am travelling to Lesotho (in the middle of South Africa) in Summer 2018 to build a fish farm a...

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58% of $1,200
$700 Raised
Sarita J Robinson
Please help me raise funds for my trip to Lesotho! I am travelling to Lesotho (in the middle of South Africa) in Summer 2018 to build a fish farm a...

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
Ramsay PT
RPT have challenged Army Reserve 6 Rifles to a 20,000m on the Rower. They have accepted our challenge :) The event will take place on Tuesday 24...

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5% of $1,951
$100 Raised
AB trust
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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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0% of $4,000
$0 Raised
Richie Andrew - Ironman 2018
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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Help protect Scottish wilde...
In April I'm embarking on an adventure that will take me to the Himalayas. I hope to combine this trip with an effort to raise a few squids to help...

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
North East Sport
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0% of $150,000
$0 Raised
Supporting Black British Ta...
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100% of $100
$100 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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0% of $250
$0 Raised
Katie Clark
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10% of $200
$20 Raised
Lounge projects
Thank you for visiting our "Lounge drop-in projects" Givey page. Your donation will go towards costs of projects run as off-spins of regular Lo...

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11% of $270,000
$30,000 Raised
Divine Love Association
CHANGES ONE LIFE TODAY Working with in a third world country will change your life. You will gain new perspectives that will permeate your everyda...

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0% of $150
$0 Raised
Fund to students
We are creating this fundraise to help all poor students. Visit us @ http://cyberops.in. We provide best cyber security and VAPT services in India.

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