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108% of $2,090
$2,266 Raised
Patrick's South Pole Expedi...
DONATIONS CAN NOW BE MADE AT OUR JUSTGIVING PAGE INSTEAD https://www.justgiving.com/PatrickSouthPole/ Please support my expedition to the South P...

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16% of $1,000
$157 Raised
Dover to Calais Return Row ...
The team at Trustmarque are looking to raise funds to help York Rescue Boat do what they do. We all see the dangers of the river yet the safety doe...

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41% of $350
$142 Raised
Movember Challenge!
Despite my inability to cultivate a truly glorious mane of facial hair, I will be taking part in Movember in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Please ...

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0% of $500
$0 Raised
Freddie's Tasche - The FRS ...
Apart from the fact that it looks great and my wife adores me even more with it, in growing a tasche this Movember I am aiming to raise lots of mon...

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33% of $1,000
$325 Raised
Tommy's Taches
The men of St Thomas team are braving Movember this year and who knows how it will turn out! Will Beej manage to grow a handlebar? Maybe Tim will d...

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110% of $100
$110 Raised
Birthday Fundraiser
This year to celebrate my birthday on the 30th of November, instead of a thoughtful card of gift Id really appreciate instead a charitable donation...

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15% of $200
$30 Raised
Sober October, really?
Since returning from Sierra Leone in June this year it's been hard to miss the countries frequent appearance in international news headlines. Even ...

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0% of $2,000
$0 Raised
On 26th April, I will be running the London Marathon in memory of my dear friend and colleague Margaret ten Cate who recently lost her life to canc...

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100% of $1,300
$1,295 Raised
Claire runs Brighton Marath...
In April 2015 I will be running my first marathon (only 26.2 miles, I must be mad) to raise money for PFK! I'm hoping to raise enough to pay for Te...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
NOSHEMBER - Forget the 'tac...
On the grounds that I'd undoubtedly end up with a feeble moustache I've forsaken Movember for Noshember - the ultimate and total no shaving experie...

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25% of $100
$25 Raised
Sam's Slum Suvival
This weekend, on the 25th-26th October, along with 8 other people from my youth group, Ill be taking part in Soul Actions Slum Survivor Challenge. ...

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60% of $100
$60 Raised
NOSHEMBER - Forget the 'tac...
On the grounds that I'd probably end up with a feeble moustache I've forsaken Movember for Noshember - the ultimate and total no shaving experience...

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210% of $100
$210 Raised
Samuel's sponsored walk
Samuel is doing a sponsored walk in aid of Polymicrogyria Family Support. Samuel is a Star and walking hasn't come easily to him. He's fought real...

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8% of $1,000
$75 Raised
In the darkest places of hu...
Of all the immediate problems in the world, I feel that stopping torture and standing up for dignity and Human Rights are the most immediatly solva...

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100% of $30
$30 Raised
Sophie Slum Survivor
This weekend, Youth Cell will be participating in Slum Survivor in order to raise money and awareness for an amazing charity - Soul Action. We will...

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3227% of $150
$4,841 Raised
Please help to keep us safe...
The current ebola crisis is hitting Sierra Leone hard. As well as the human tragedy that is unfolding, Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary is also at ri...

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0% of $100
$0 Raised
5K Electric Run for Breast ...
Hi! I will be running the 5K electric run for Breast Cancer Care. Please Give Generously ;)

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50% of $250
$125 Raised
Tough Mudder Part 2
On the 25th October I will be taking part in my 2nd Tough Mudder, an endurance event designed to push participants to their physical limit. I am...

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58% of $200
$115 Raised
Bromley Bandits vs Tough Mu...
One fateful night Kieran Leeper and Jonny Leverett decided it was a good idea to sign up to Tough Mudder on Sunday 26th October influenced in no wa...

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58% of $200
$115 Raised
Nuclear fallout muddy obsta...
You may remember at the start of the year I completed Nuclear Rush dressed in a suit, which got absolutely wrecked! On 2nd November 2014 I will ...

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10% of $500
$50 Raised
Louise sky dive
I am doing a sponsored sky Dive to raise money and awareness for heart disease , I lost my partner and my best friend to this disease , had we been...

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143% of $500
$717 Raised
Corris' Half Marathon Chall...
We all need challenges in life. Even better if it can benefit a good cause. This is my biggest ever, and I hope you can support me. I realise im...

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96% of $3,000
$2,885 Raised
Great Wall of China Challenge
Please sponsor me as I attempt to breakdown the barriers of cancer with my next challenge. The challenge is to walk part of the Great Wall Of Ch...

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103% of $550
$566 Raised
Lilly's Story
Our beautiful angel Lilly was born on the 16th July 2014. Lilly was brought into our lives very quickly and unexpectedly, After being rushed in for...

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