

of target raised from 1 person

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

We are raising funds for the Hope & Faith Community School, in N'gombe, Zambia by producing calendars and christmas gift cards. Each Calendar costs £10 and the gift cards cost £5, with £5 from each going to the school. The school provide a basic hot meal of Nshima (a porridge-like grain), cabbage and beans, and £5 is enough to pay for the food for all the students for 1 day! By donating the school, you are supporting the pupils directly by providing income for the schools feeding program, equipment/stationery and providing much needed support to enable the school to pay the salaries of the teachers, cleaners and kitchen staff. After you make your donation, please contact myself (tony_kirsten@hotmail.com) to let me know your order and delivery address.


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