It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July




of target raised from 47 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Please donate to our fundraiser so we don't have to say 'no' when our school asks for help
Thank you for visiting this page. The Friends are here to raise money to give the school and our kids the equipment, facilities and opportunities that current funding simply doesn’t stretch to. We can’t do this without the generous donations of time and money from parents and carers within our school community. ‘Ex-parents’ like Jo Brand, our fabulous quiz host, make a huge difference, as do those of you who have already donated to recent fundraisers and indeed bought tickets for the quiz. But can you help us a little more? In the last six months we’ve provided theatre trips, laptops, employability training, camping tents, a breakfast club, steel pan tuning, an etching tank and met numerous hardship requests to help individual pupils. We really hate having to say ‘No’. Can you please help us say ‘Yes’ in the future? Any and all contributions are gratefully received.


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Fundraising for

Working to encourage and galvanise parents in support of The Charter School North Dulwich


+ £3,200.00 from 2 offline donors