It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

Save Our Space N8


raised from 14


Help us protect open space in Crouch End
Save or Space N8 is a campaign group formed following the pre-application consultation held by Hornsey Cricket Club to present their plans for a large Sports Hall on Metropolitan Open Land. Full information is at We have a Steering Committee to decide on courses of action and to monitor their progress, and to ensure that safeguards are in place for all funds raised. The initial Steering Committee members are: • Simon Garrill (Tivoli Rd.) – Chairperson • Julie Schwarz (Glasslyn Rd.) – Treasurer • Veronica Flavell (Glasslyn Rd.) – Events Secretary • David Donnelly (Glasslyn Rd.) - Secretary Why is the £3,500 needed? We very much hope that it won’t be needed – but we have to be ready immediately if an application is made. We have sought estimates from planning advisers. £3,500 is estimated cost of professional planning advice if the planning application for the Sports Hall is made. How is the money going to be raised? How will it be looked after? The fundraising will be done using the online fundraising platform We will also be holding social events to promote the fundraising from time to time. We will be seeking donations on very strict conditions: • If we raise more than we need in professional costs and the 5% admin fee, the excess will be returned pro rata or, if the donor so wishes, be donated to CREOS ( (The website enables donors to be contacted by e-mail) • If no application is made and the risk passes, all donations will likewise be returned (net of the admin fee) or, if the donor so wishes, be donated to CREOS. • The monies will be held in a bank account in the name of the Treasurer. The Treasurer will provide a written undertaking to the Steering Committee to report on a monthly basis to the Steering Committee on all monies received, and the balance held, and to disburse money only with the written consent of the Chairperson and Secretary. Receipts will also be separately monitored via the account.

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