It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October




raised of £250 target from 16 people

Sonya Zyssemilch is raising £250 for Spires Smiles
For my 40th birthday I decided to do a skydive madness I here you say!!!! However this gives me a great way to raise money for a very special team. The oxford radcliffe spires centre. As most of you will know Stefan was born with a cleft palate and the team were amazing from the day we found out they provided a variety of bottles, feeding advice, speech therapy, home visits as needed and this is only naming but a few services from the early days. We felt that we owe the team a huge thank you and to be able to add to the funds for resources to help others would show a small amount of our appreciation. We would be extremely grateful for any donation that would help us to help others. Thank you also for your support x


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Fundraising for

Spires Smiles is an independent, voluntary, non profit charity set up to support the Spires Cleft Centre at the Salisbury District Hospit...
