Animal Shelter Agonda UK




We need your support to help stray animals in Goa, India!

Our aim at Animal Shelter Agonda is to help sick animals and to give medical attention to injured and to mistreated animals. In addition, we will run a sterilization program to cut back on the growing population of cats and dogs. We operate feeding programs for beach dogs during the monsoon, with the assistance of some local people in Agonda.

*Treating sick and injured animals, providing them with the best medical and follow up care. *Animal birth control (ABC program), facilitated by sterilizing and neutering dogs and cats.
 *Vaccinations against rabies are crucial as it secures public health and safety.
 *Adoptions and fostering of animals.
 *A monsoon feeding program for stray and beach dogs.
 *Stray Blessed Outreach Programme

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