It's Dementia Awareness Week until Thursday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized May

Bassetlaw Play Forum




Gracias por visitar nuestra página en Givey y por ayudarnos a recaudar fondos

Recycle, replay and recreate - just having fun makes play great!

Resource Centre: providing a large selection of recycled materials suitable for use in play, including fabrics, plastics, card etc. Shop: we supply a wide range of art and craft materials such as paints, glitter and glue, buying in bulk and passing on the savings to our members. Hire equipment: we have a selection of play equipment such as badge machines and sensory equipment available to hire at very low costs. Play events: we arrange a number of free family play events around Bassetlaw that are open to all children and young people.

Recaudaciones de fondos

¿Por qué no le cuentas a tus amigos que has donado?

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