

raised of $2,000 target from 53 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe with Givey and donating is completely secure. Whatsmore, they never share your email address with any third parties except the Charity you donate to. So things have gone a bit mad this year - I was supposed to have done this challenge 2 years ago! However my place in the marathon has been rescheduled for October 2nd this year, so there is plenty more time to fundraise. What with being a doctor tied up in all of the Covid madness, training is somewhat challenging - but as ever, we will adapt and overcome! I am running the marathon for Reach, a wonderful charity for children with upper limb differences. Our daughter Lyra has TAR syndrome, and thus has shortened forearms and clubbed hands, and Reach have been integral in supporting us all since she was born. Reach have been so important for my daughter, my wife and I and whilst it was not something we expected, it has been a true privilege to become part of this family. Already in just under 2 years, Reach has done so much to support, celebrate and inform us, and the family weekends have been amazing for us and Lyra. It is for this reason that I am overjoyed to have the opportunity to give something back. I had previously been fundraising through Wonderful.com and managed to raise just shy of £1300 by January 2020, which I have plugged in here as an offline donation. If you could help me get to my new target of £2000 before October it would be beyond amazing! I want to emphatically smash through my target and continue to raise as much as I can to give back to our wonderful and diverse family. So I’m asking for whatever help any of you can spare to keep pushing that total up and give as big of a gift to Reach as possible, because it is ability and not disability that matters!


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Fundraising for

REACH is an incredible charity that helps and supports children with upper limb differences live life without limits. It is a friendly, ...


+ $1,260.00 from 14 offline donors