

of target raised from 6 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

2020 is terrible, I'm sure we can all agree. Any optimistic plans I had for birthday celebrations with far-flung friends and family (or more than 4 people) were scuppered a long time ago. To ring me into my twenty-sixth orbit around the sun, it would mean a lot if you could take the couple of quid you might have bought me a drink with and let me donate it to Lifeshare instead. Lifeshare has been working with unhoused people in Manchester for almost 40 years. They provide crisis services, breakfast bars, sexual health support, drug use support, rent deposit support and more. Having seen all of their in-person fundraising halt in the lockdown, Lifeshare is in need of online support more now than ever. The government proved that they have the capacity to house people back in the early stages of this pandemic. They have since proved that they don't want to keep supporting rough sleepers and would rather they become someone else's problem. If you'd consider supporting Lifeshare (and putting a smile on my face!) for the price of a birthday drink, I'd really appreciate it.


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We aim to prevent and break the cycle of homelessness, to discourage lifestyles that present a risk of harm, and to promote good health a...
