

raised of $2,500 target from 81 people

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Sponsor a seedling a help our community grow!🌼
Our community garden is growing and we’d love to accept your donation to be able to deliver more gardening groups and wellbeing sessions to Women across Sheffield next year. This year we have been busy providing therapeutic horticulture sessions for women in our community and we are ready to help even more people next year at our new community garden. This garden needs lots of plants, a new gate, a building and wheelchair accessible path. Could you sponsor a seedling this season to help us grow and bloom in 2023? Donate £10 to sponsor a seedling 🌼 or any amount to help us grow more than flowers! We cannot thank you enough!


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Fundraising for

We are a community flower garden for women and girls in Sheffield, UK. We promote positive mental health through therapeutic horticulture.
