Brigitte's Party


raised from 177


During Brigitte's last days, she expressed that she would like us to celebrate her life and her 70th birthday in the best way we know how - a party! As we sadly don't have her wonderful house and immeasurable hospitality, we have to find a way to make it happen, which does involve some cost. And this is where we all come in... As someone who gave so much, to so many all her life, we want to give back, however big or small this may be. Any surplus will be given to Cancer Research and St Christopher's Hospice, according to her wishes. We will give regular updates and be transparent with all the expenses that her party will entail. Brigitte also stipulated little requests, such as colours and food etc, so we will include all these details as Sunday 20th August draws nearer... Many thanks in advance, Debbie, Annabelle and Siobhan xxx

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