It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

The Buddy Bag Foundation


raised from 14


Making a Difference to Children in Emergency Care

The Buddy Bag Foundation supplies Buddy Bags to children who find themselves in emergency care after a traumatic incident. These bags help make a difference by ensuring a child has the essential items they need for their immediate well being.

Listen to our story on The Givey Community Podcast:


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Toiletries - £5.00

£5 donation helps us to provide toiletries to put in our buddy bags that go to a child.

Toiletries, underwear & pyjamas - £15.00

£15 donation helps us to provide toiletries, underwear + pyjamas to put in our buddy bag

Full Buddy Bag - £25.00

£25 donation ensures that one child will receive a complete Buddy Bag full.
