

raised of $1,000 target from 31 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Cadogan Firefighters is raising $1,000 for The Fire Fighters Charity
Thank you for visiting our donation page. A group of Fire-fighters from Cadogan Fire Station are competing in the 2017 Gran Fondo. Andrew Sprules, Neil Black, Paul McDonnell, Philip Osborne and Chris Clarke and former Cadogan Fire-fighter Frank McCaul are hoping to raise money for the Fire-fighters Charity. The Charity provide psychological and physical support for Fire-fighters who have suffered injuries or psychological trauma from incidents that they have responded to. You can visit their web site https://www.firefighterscharity.org.uk/ for more information on their services. The Gran Fondo is an extremely tough 175km cycle race through the towns and countryside of Northern Ireland and more can be found out about it here, http://www.granfondogiroditaliani.com/ We all have different levels of cycling experience and speaking for myself (Andrew) I know I’m going to find it extremely hard, but knowing what we’re doing it for will keep me going. If you could help out with even the smallest of donations you will be helping out a very worthwhile cause. We chose Givey as our donation site because unlike most charity donation sites, the Charity receive every single penny! A £10 donation with gift aid gives the charity £12.50 with no fees whatsoever being taken by Givey. We would all like to thank you in advance for any donations you can make for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you from Andy, Neil, Paul, Phil, Chris & Frank


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Fire fighters are heroes, risking their lives to save others but sadly they often sustain physical injuries whilst carrying out their dut...
