It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Cart and Wagon Shed


raised from 1


Shoeburyness Heritage and Community Centre
Our vision is to create a transforming presence and inspirational hub for heritage interpretation, community activity, local collaboration and volunteering – bringing new life to the local economy and providing a compelling offer for visitors. The Cart and Wagon Shed was built in the 1860’s and is an early example of a prefabricated iron-frame military building. It is Grade II listed for its special architectural or historic interest. Sitting at the heart of the redeveloped Shoebury Garrison site, it has the historic Garrison buildings to one side and the newly formed Garrison Park to the other. To the front, it sits on the edge of the Thames Estuary with its beautiful and interesting views. Shoebury Coastal CIC is taking inspiration from the ancient and more modern history of Shoeburyness and the Garrison Site, the Shoebury Archives and artefacts, the natural heritage of the Gunners Park and the wider nature reserve, and the history of the Thames Estuary to create a heritage and visitor centre.

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