

raised of $1,000 target from 7 people

Taradakini McConnell is raising $1,000 for The Abhayaratna Trust
The International Conventions are approaching and many have already booked. Others would love to be there but simply cannot afford it, missing out on the opportunity to be with the wider Order and friends from around the world.  The Abhayaratna Trust is committed to paying for as many Order members as we can who are experiencing financial hardship and unable to attend without our help. So far we have contributed over £3500 for accommodation and UK travel for Order members from seven different countries. We anticipate more requests.  Please help us raise £1,000 and enable more members of the Order to gather together this August. Thank you.


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Fundraising for

The Abhayaratna Trust is the Triratna Buddhist Order’s benevolent fund. With your help we create a resource to support Order members faci...
