It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized February

Ed De Nunzio Charitable Trust




Helping young people reach their potential

The Ed De Nunzio Charitable Trust was set up in memory of Edward De Nunzio, a young man of 18 who died in a tragic accident in February 2011. Ed loved aeroplanes, travel and skiing. The Trust aims to work with charities and voluntary organisations in York and the York area to help children and young people reach their full potential. The Trust primarily supports children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds offering them opportunities to expand their physical, educational, social and emotional horizons. Grants to charitable organisations are available to offer opportunities, education and care that otherwise may not be available to these young people. Grants are given for the benefit of 5-21 year olds who live in York and the York area. Grants ranging from £100 to £10,000 will normally be considered. In exceptional cases multi year grants and larger grants will be appraised. Visit Ed’s website for full details at

Recaudaciones de fondos

¿Por qué no le cuentas a tus amigos que has donado?

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