




Raising Skills, Lifting Aspirations, Improving Community

Elevate is a charitable organisation (1163004) that exists to enable and empower individuals, families and communities in our areas who are at risk of social exclusion, disengagement or in poverty. We aim to promote awareness of our activities through the local authority, local business and local groups.

Elevate was set up in 2008 as part of a local church community cohesion provision, and in 2015 it became an independent charity responsible for raising its own funds for its projects. Since 2008, over time, it has served over 500 young people through sport, youth clubs and wellbeing services, and in 2013 the primary focus has been on providing coaching interventions within education for those at risk of disengaging.

July 2015 saw the charity establish a trustee committee who manage the overall strategic provision of services. We enhance and support the work of local authorities, community groups and businesses and seek to work in partnership as much as possible. We train and place volunteers to achieve some of our outcomes.

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