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0% of £10,000
£0 Raised
Quran Academy is raiding funds for Yemen with Saba Relief. Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, th...

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29% of £1,000
£285 Raised
"From Lockdown to Lebanon"
Future Academy is a UK-registered charity (1187737) working with child refugees in Burj Barajneh, Beirut. We provide an English school and footbal...

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0% of £10,000
£0 Raised
Help Yemen Ramdhan 2020
We are fundraising with Saba Relief to help poor and needy people this Ramadhan in Yemen .. £100 will sponsor a whole family for the full mont...

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39% of £4,500
£1,746 Raised
Support our March and April...
Due to the current situation with COVID 19 we've had to cancel all the current season's gigs at The Traverse theatre bar. For the musicians most or...

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0% of £3,000
£0 Raised
Hall Green utd
*FEED A FASTING FAMILY IN YEMEN THIS RAMADHAN* About *26 million people* in Yemen, *80%* of the population, which includes malnourished children...

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0% of £500
£0 Raised
Michael Williams Remembranc...
As most of you know we hold this Remembrance Day each year for our dear friend Mick. This year would have been the 15th year but obviously with the...

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0% of £5,000
£0 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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4% of £5,000
£175 Raised
Emergency food parcels for ...
Here at Together for Change we are raising money for the COVID-19 response efforts of the Good Neighbours Coventry and Foodbank Partnership project...

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417% of £500
£2,085 Raised
Goodtrees COVID-19 Appeal
We are supporting the most vulnerable children, disabled families and elderly with food and basic essentials a result of COVID-19. We need your sup...

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93% of £2,500
£2,317 Raised
Bloom Sheffield | Sponsor A...
Our community garden is growing and we’d love to accept your donation to be able to deliver more gardening groups and wellbeing sessions to Women a...

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48% of £3,000
£1,440 Raised
Southampton IMCF 2020, Capa...
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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103% of £1,000
£1,030 Raised
Mels marathon mission
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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37% of £1,000
£370 Raised
Sharing Mindful Music Resou...
Mindful Music is a charity established to support children in their emotional and social development for greater wellbeing. During the Covid...

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0% of £50,000
£155 Raised
COVID-19 and the heart
From the data published so far, it looks as if the COVID-19 virus could be affecting the heart muscle. We are setting up a research project to look...

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100% of £250
£250 Raised
Jenny Ryan's birthday fundr...
It's my birthday. I've got lots of blessings to count. I've got food in my cupboard, money in the bank to buy further food, and no other mouths t...

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37% of £500
£185 Raised
Musical Bingo Cribs Fundraiser
About Us We are an organisation that endeavours to help feed people in these times of austerity. As the economic situation has deteriorated, we...

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0% of £100
£0 Raised
Tom Taylor
This is a test fundraiser page.

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0% of £400
£0 Raised
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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48% of £200
£95 Raised
AfNutr Cafe
Thank you for visiting our AfNutr 'virtual' Cafe fundraising page! ☕ The @AfNutr chat team would be very thankful if you can make a small donati...

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105% of £500
£525 Raised
Share your savings
I'm profiting from Coronavirus! I'm someone that is lucky enough to be able to work from home without too much impact on my job. Whilst I'm wo...

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116% of £1,000
£1,160 Raised
Callum's Coronavirus head s...
Hi, thanks for visiting my Givey page. I am really keen to raise funds for the Trussell Trust in order to provide emergency food and to support...

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0% of £1,000
£0 Raised
Hope For Yemen
FEED A FASTING FAMILY IN YEMEN THIS RAMADHAN About 26 million people in Yemen, 80% of the population, which includes malnourished children are o...

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0% of £1,000
£0 Raised
Fundraiser for new family d...
Help us research/build an accessible dance theatre show to tour Milton Keynes/South East exploring themes of choice, consequence and empathy.

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0% of £100
£0 Raised
How did we do
Thank you for visiting our Givey page. When you make your donation through Givey, the Charity receives 100% of the donation. Your details are safe ...

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