It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized October

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183% of $300
$550 Raised
First time half marathon in...
Hi everyone! In April we decided to reluctantly take on the challenge of running The Birmingham Half Marathon on the 19th October, despite the fact...

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0% of $250
$0 Raised
Rachel's 'Mid-Life Crisis'...
Since completing the Liverpool Rock and Roll Half Marathon in May I have caught the running bug. Looking for a new challenge, I have decided to ent...

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0% of $1,000
$0 Raised
Birmingham Half Marathon
Like all youth groups the Maritime Youth Group need to cover running costs to keep the doors open, without this they cannot continue with their out...

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90% of $350
$315 Raised
A Hobbling Half Marathon to...
As you may already know, I've been fundraising for various charities over the last 6 months through the medium of running.... And what I've learnt ...

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10% of $100
$10 Raised
Abbey Dash for Fred
hi everyone I am running the abbey dash in memory of my grandad a man who actively served in the second world we all get older we all need a...

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140% of $50
$70 Raised
24hr Gaming Marathon
UPDATE: Originally it was going to be 24 hours, however we have realised that the clocks go back at 2am the night we're doing it so we will in fact...

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57% of $1,000
$574 Raised
Keep on running...for CLIC ...
I'm running a half marathon on Friday 5th December and have decided to do it for CLIC Sargent. CLIC Sargent is an amazing charity for children and ...

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80% of $200
$160 Raised
Emily's Tough Mudder!
So...I'm doing a Tough Mudder on Oct 26th. For those of you who have known me more than a year, the idea of me running through fire, ice and elect...

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141% of $500
$705 Raised
START Trekking
Climbing a mountain seems like a pretty huge challenge from where I'm standing - overweight, no experience and a persistent dislike of sweatiness. ...

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14% of $1,600
$224 Raised
Sahara Desert Challenge
I am doing a 4-day trek across the Sahara Desert in November 2015 to raise money for Cylch Meithrin Aberhonddu. The charity provide quality Welsh l...

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133% of $350
$466 Raised
Charity Chop!
As I have so much of it, I've decided to donate some of my hair to the little princess trust to be made into a wig. I figured that if some of you...

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20% of $1,500
$300 Raised
Polymicrogyria Auction
Place to pay for your lovely auction items

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52% of $250
$130 Raised
Sober October York
In memory of Megan Roberts and others who have tragically lost their lives to Yorks river Ouse we are participating in Sober October and/or Stoptob...

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53% of $200
$105 Raised
Saving African kids from th...
All donations will be going to the charity, not the funding of my trip so please donate. As some you may know I'm off to Uganda on 7th October f...

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125% of $100
$125 Raised
WTF? (Where's the Finish?)
So another stupid hangover decision... I'm attempting to run The Great West Run, and in this stupid act of self punishment I hope to raise as much ...

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360% of $200
$720 Raised
*Running for the Stars*
My amazing Daughter Isabella has Polymicrogyria. At the age of four she is unable to walk, talk or do anything independently, yet despite all of th...

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1% of $3,000
$40 Raised
Marie and Ruth's EXTREME zi...
Hi all, on Wednesday 14th November Ruth and myself are flying of the edge of a mountian on Europes longest zip wire at speeds of up 90MPH AHHHHH. ...

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192% of $300
$575 Raised
The Abandoned Animals sanct...
I have been volunteering two days a week for the past three months at The Society for Abandoned Animals in Sale Manchester. Since I started, the nu...

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34% of $250
$85 Raised
Longmynd Hike (50 miles) ei...
Im fundraising for WMSAR. They are volunteers on call 24 hours a day to help find people in danger, on land and water. None of them are paid. ...

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257% of $200
$513 Raised
Jackie's Head Shaving Fundr...
I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and due to the hair loss my treatment is causing I have decided to shave all of my hair off and r...

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35% of $100
$35 Raised
Wellow Under Fives Preschoo...
I've volunteered myself to do a 5K run on Saturday 18th October, to raise money for the preschool I work at, Wellow Under Fives! I'm part of a team...

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37% of $1,500
$555 Raised
Nick's Press-up Challenge F...
During the month of October I will be performing a challenge to raise money and help promote awareness for the charity CDH UK. For those of you ...

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45% of $100
$45 Raised
Sober October! Stoptober! O...
I was reading about how domestic abuse charities are some of the most underfunded in the UK, and wanted to help. I can't run, I can't bake, I'm too...

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10% of $100
$10 Raised
B-eat the battle
This has the potential to be the soppiest thing I have ever written but this charity is very close to heart. Eating disorders are currently estimat...

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