

of target raised from 16 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Charter Fightback - Combatting Hardship, Supporting our Students
As Friends of the school we are proud to have been able to help the Charter North community over the years. This is thanks to your generous donations. Now, as the cost of living crisis bites we are asking for your help again. The Friends’ hardship fund allows the school to provide financial aid to students as it sees fit. Its main use is subsidising the cost of trips for those who are struggling to afford them. Other reasons include replacement uniforms or equipment but the grants are not restricted. The school requests funds from the Friends as and when they see a need. The key is allowing everyone to take part in school life on the basis of talent rather than wealth. Demand on the hardship fund is growing year on year. Ensuring that it is kept topped up is the priority for this fundraiser. Extra money raised will go into our general fund from which other projects are financed. Recent examples are student wellbeing workshops, an ‘all student’ choir and equipment for the Art Department.


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Working to encourage and galvanise parents in support of The Charter School North Dulwich
