It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday 12th February

Friends of St Peter's Church


raised from 5


Help maintain this beautiful and ancient building

St Peter's Church has been at the heart of Lynchmere for over a thousand years. It is loved not only by the regular congregation, but also by those who appreciate it as the oldest building in the parish and an important part of our heritage.

An ancient building needs regular maintenance as well as upgrades to comply with current regulations. We want to ensure that St. Peter's will always be available for future generations as a place for regular worship and for family and festive occasions.

The Friends of St Peter's contribute to the cost of the upkeep of the church building. Over the last eleven years we have raised over £100,000 towards the cost of maintaining St Peter's. Without the help of the Friends, it is doubtful that St Peter's would still be open.

Thank you for your support and any contribution you can give today.


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