

raised of $350 target from 2 people

Sam McColl is raising $350 for Little Princess Trust
Hi All I went for my yearly trim at the hairdresser today and decided to make it count. I opted for a drastic chop in order to donate some of my ginger mop to the Little Princess Trust. This organisation provide real hair wigs, free of charge, to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. While the wigs made from donated hair cost the charity nothing, it also purchases wigs to ensure that the best and most appropriate one is given to each poorly boy and girl. The purchased wigs cost the Trust on average around 350 pound each. Therefore, as well as donating my lopped off mop, I would like to try to raise some money towards to cost of a wig. So please donate if you can afford it and if you can't, please share this with your friends and maybe some of them can. Thank You


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Fundraising for

Providing real hair wigs to children across the UK and Ireland suffering hair loss due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.
