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How to keep your joints healthy? The mobility of the bones of the human body is provided by a variety of joints. Some of them are characterized by great mobility and a high range of movements (for example, the hip joint), others, on the contrary, are sedentary for their intended purpose. For example, the joints of the spine can be found in more detail on opdproje.org/ . Depending on the location in the body, the load on the joints also differs – the knee, hip, and ankle joints are subjected to maximum load due to their supporting function when maintaining body weight, while the other joints do not support body weight to such an extent, the load on them is associated with movements or movement of objects. A joint consists of adjacent (articulating) parts of two or more bones covered with articular cartilage. Around the ends of the articulating bones is a joint capsule, inside of which there is a synovial fluid-a natural lubricant for smooth articular cartilage, which ensures their sliding relative to each other and cushioning during movement. Inside and outside of the joint, ligaments can be located that strengthen the joint and restrict movement in the joint within the physiological volume. Different joints can be affected by diseases – both those that experience increased support or working (sports, professional) loads, and all the others. The causes of joint damage are different. The gradual destruction of the joints due to stress and age, which has a non-inflammatory nature, is called arthrosis, and diseases associated with joint inflammation are called arthritis.

With arthrosis, not only the elements of the joint are affected, but also the part of the bone adjacent to the joint, so the term osteoarthritis is more often used in medicine. Osteoarthritis, as a degenerative chronic joint disease, is the main form of disabling diseases in people over 50 years of age in

Maintain your normal weight. Excess weight creates an increased load on the joints, which leads to their damage and destruction. If the fullness occurs in childhood, when the joints and bones are formed and grow, then the damage to the joints will manifest at an earlier age. However, obesity, which develops in adulthood, is also harmful to the joints. Increased body weight overloads, first of all, the knee and hip joints. Keeping the weight at an acceptable healthy level provides the joints with an optimal and properly distributed load, preventing their destruction.

Eat right. The amount of minerals, as well as vitamins, including calcium and vitamin D, in the diet affects the health of bones and joints. To get all the necessary substances with food, you need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, which will also help to maintain normal body weight.

Watch your posture and posture. Working posture and posture affect the load on the joints. Monotonous movements during physical work affect the condition of the shoulder, elbow and hand joints. The location of documents and a computer on the office worker's desktop, properly selected and adjusted furniture prevent a violation of posture. For those engaged in both physical and mental work, it is important to regularly do a warm-up to relieve tension in the arms and spine, which ultimately improves the condition of the joints.


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