It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July



raised from 4


Thank you for visiting our Givey page and helping us to raise money

Our Church stands on the hill for all to see and enjoy.

The fiurst church stood on this spot around the year 500 AD, built by a Chief among Welsh bards Taliessin. Today the church is dedicated in memory of St John the Baptist, but that first church was dedicated to St Henwg, father of Taliessin. The parish is named after St Henwg originally Llanhenwg, then Llanhenog and now Llanhennock! A mopre permanent church was built in the lat 13th or early 14th century. This was initially a single aisle with a tower at the west end. There was a priest's door in the chancel. This is now blocked up, but the outline is still there. This door is said o date from the 13th centruy. The church was largely rebuilt to what we have today in 1862-3 by J Prichard and JR Seddon.

The last major works were carried out in the last century following a kind donation from the Thomas familiy of Llansoar.

We have recently had our 5 yearly inspection which has highlighted that the roof of the nave need renewal. The roof is in a sorry state and even though there are no leaks currently, this is only a matter of time.

We are working hard to preserve our very special church, which I hope you agree is an asset to the village.

We need £25,000 to pay for the initial project setup costs before we can even go our to tender for the work. Our architect estimates that the renewal will cost £250,000 so we will be looking for grants to help with this but need the £25,000 to even get to this point!

Any donation you can make, would help us towards that target!


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