It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Neuroharmony.Life Charity


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Welcome to my Givey page
Neuroharmony is a registered charity which provides specialist advice and support to develop a deeper more personalised understanding of autism, ADHD and anxiety. Our specialist advisors follow Stephen Porge's Polyvagal Theory to work with families, children and other agencies. The Polyvagal Theory allows us to understand the individual behavioural responses of the child or young person. This knowledge enables us to consider the emotional responses of children regardless of their experiences. We work with a range of children including those experiencing anxiety and dysregulation due to bereavement and post-adoption, as well as ADHD/Autism. Donations enable Neuroharmony to continue offering support and advice to those families who need it most. It means we can increase the number of families we work with and also provide free training and support to schools, college and universities around neurodiversity.
