It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Highgate is Here


raised from 1759


Supporting the areas of greatest need.

Highgate is both a school and a charity. ‘Highgate is Here’: our school community standing together, to be here for those who need us the most..

Our pupils, parents, staff and alumni have already been supporting our community. You can also get involved:

• You can volunteer your time, or a resource • You can let us know about projects you are supporting, or about initiatives that need help • You can also make a donation. If you make a donation here, funds will be split between Highgate’s charitable priorities and directed where the need is greatest , Highgate is Here encompasses our main charitable aims: increasing the number of means-tested bursary places at Highgate; furthering our Chrysalis Partnership Teaching work, including supporting LAE Tottenham; and helping children to thrive at Highgate and partner schools by supporting the areas of greatest need.

Email if you would like to find an opportunity to volunteer or to enquire whether Highgate can support or spread the word about a project you are involved with. We will respond to your enquiry within 3 working days.


Why not spread the word about your donation with your friends?

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Hardship at Highgate - £500.00

A gift of any size could be directed to helping those in the Highgate community experiencing unexpected Hardship

Support for LAE T - £100.00

No LAE Tottenham student should have to forfeit a University offer because they can't afford the train fare to attend the interview.

Laptop for partner school pupil - £218.20

Coronavirus has revealed the scale of the digital divide. A donation of £220 would provide a laptop for pupils in our partner schools.
