It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized October

Israel Guide Dog Centre Uk




Transform lives, one dog at a time

We provide trained guide & service dogs to blind & visually-impaired people and those with PTSD and children with autism. All dogs are provided free of charge.

Recaudaciones de fondos

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What your donation buys (4) - $600.00

Be amazing and sponsor the 1st year of a puppy's life for £600. Get updates and pictures of your puppy.

What your donation buys (3) - $300.00

£300 will cover the cost to train one of our volunteer puppy raisers who do such an important job to help raise our puppies

What your donation buys (2) - $140.00

£140 pays for a new specialist leather harness for a guide dog to wear when working with its partner

What your donation buys - $50.00

£50 will pay for the 1st month of a new puppy's life
