The Jane Goodall Institute UK


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Dr Jane Goodall, DBE began her research into the wild chimpanzees of Gombe, Tanzania 55 years ago. That research continues today and we are still learning more about our closest living relatives. We work with communities around Gombe National Park on Community Centred Conservation programmes under TACARE. Dr Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute in the UK to promote this work and to raise awareness about the plight of chimpanzees across Africa caused by the bushmeat trade and loss of habitat. More than 160 chimpanzee orphans are housed in the Tchimpounga sanctuary in Republic of Congo and JGI is also concerned with the welfare of captive and research chimpanzees. Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots began in Tanzania more than 20 years ago. Today it is a global humanitarian and environment programme for young people of all ages active in more than 130 countries. In the UK alone there are thousands involved in hands on programmes of their choosing for the local community, for animals and for the environment we all share. For further information please go to and


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