

raised of $200 target from 33 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Jim Walton is raising $200 for The Harry Johnson Trust
Last December I decided to challenge myself by doing 4000 press ups in the month. Once I had achieved this I decided to try and keep with a challenge going and decided to attempt to do 52,000 press ups in 12 months. I’m now 9 months into it and done a total of 39,784 press ups. It’s not a massive amount of press up’s a day but it’s enough, and can’t really miss a day as it just means I’ve got more to do over the next few days! Anyway I’m on track to complete my challenge by the end of November and decided I should try and raise a few quid for charity. The charity I have chosen is The Harry Johnson trust. The trust offers to help and support children and teenagers who receive care from the oncology team at the princess royal hospital in Shropshire. More details about the trust can be found at https://www.theharryjohnsontrust.co.uk/


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Fundraising for

Providing support to children with cancer who receive care from the oncology team at The Princess Royal Hospital in Shropshire.
