

raised of $5,000 target from 10 people

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John Barton is raising $5,000 for Tommy's
Bucket List Item No. 1 - Run the London Marathon With that in mind, please think about the pain I'll be experiencing over the next few months training, and finally completing the Marathon on April 26th – it’s my first direct attempt to raise money for a charity (Bucket List Item No. 2) so please dig deep - all support welcome! I'll be raising money for a very small charity called Tommy's www.tommys.org/. Your donations mean a tremendous amount, and using GIVEY every pound raised goes to the charity (please remember to click the gift aid box if you are UK based) Tommy's funds research into pregnancy problems and provides information to parents. Tommy's believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during pregnancy and birth. Many thanks for taking the time to read this and for your donation. John


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Tommy's exists to save babies lives because right now in the UK one in four women loses a baby during pregnancy or birth. We fund researc...
