It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday 12th February



raised from 82


Advocacy, equality and inclusion.

With over 27 years behind us, LAMP has become an integral part of the mental healthcare community in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We specialise in providing mental health advocacy and in consultation and development for local services.

LAMP provides independent advocacy for people who are seeking to be, or who are already, involved with mental health services. There is a specialised service for carers' of people with mental illnesses.

With a sound understanding of mental health law, local mental health provision and NHS services, our advocates work tirelessly to ensure those experiencing mental distress in our area are able to fully achieve their legal rights.

LAMP runs a dedicated service user involvement service known as The Genesis Project.

The Genesis Project has a proud history of working with mental health service users and their carers from all communities and cultures within Leicester. We debate the issues affecting you now. We influence change by gathering your experiences and opinions, raising them at a strategic level. We campaign for better practice in hospital and community settings. The Genesis Project exists to support you in making your voice heard. We want to know what’s on your mind.


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