Latin American Foundation For The Fut...




Empowering children and young people in Peru

Latin American Foundation for the Future (LAFF) is a UK registered charity, which works with partner organisations in Peru to help disadvantaged children and young people to build a better future.

We believe in creating independence and sustainability by educating, empowering and enabling young people and the organisations that support them. We help vulnerable children to thrive by providing them with the support they need: a good education, employable skills and a sense of self-worth. We also offer direct support to our partner organisations, ensuring their sustainability through capacity-building and technical training as well as income-generation and cost reduction activities.

LAFF’s team is based in Cusco and currently supports four partner organisations and over 100 disadvantaged young people in Cusco and across the Sacred Valley region. Thanks to our fantastic team and supporters, we have been able to provide a better future for children and young people in need for over 13 years!

You donation today will help LAFF to provide disadvantaged young people in Peru with access to quality education and personal development support.

You can ensure the beneficiaries at our partner organisations get the best possible education and overcome barriers to reaching their full potential.

Your donation can make a huge impact in the following ways:

£10 will cover 1 hour of quality tutoring for young boys to overcome academic challenges

£20 will provide essential school materials for 20 disadvantaged boys to make the most of school learning for 1 year

£50 will deliver 1 personal development workshop to build valuable life skills for 20 girls from under-privileged backgrounds

£100 will cover the school fees for 10 students from disadvantaged indigenous communities in the Sacred Valley for a whole year

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