It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

Leaf - Leechpool Events And Fundraising


raised from 3


Thank you for visiting our Givey page and helping us to raise money

LEAF is actively involved in the life of Leechpool School. All staff, parents and carers at the School are always welcome to attend meetings and get involved in social events and fund-raising activities. The object of LEAF is to advance the education of the pupils at the School in the following ways:

By developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school By engaging in events and providing facilities or equipment which support the School and advance the education of the pupils.

By helping ensure that the children have fun and enjoy their time at Leechpool Primary School through social events and other PTA activities. LEAF is a registered charity (registration number 1060721). The LEAF Committee is elected by members annually and is responsible for decisions relating to the Association and its funds.


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