It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

The Light Living Foundation Limited


raised from 0


shaping the future through conscious intention

Only conscious intention will shape the future we all desire which is radically different to what is currently looming down on us. In the Light Living Laboratory we shall develop the basis for a new way of living and being in harmony with ourselves, one another and all life on this home planet of ours.

We shall bring together ideas and examples from all over the world and blend them into models for living that will be freely available for adaptation anywhere.

Fundraising is structured in a number of phases, each linked with the next and designed eventually to create a living model of what life in the future might look like.


requires £500,000 with which we can acquire the building, located in the target area for the Light Living Laboratory, which currently serves as home, offices and meeting place for the project's developers. This asset will strengthen the charity's balance sheet in preparation for the next fund raising phase.

Phase-2 will be raising the funds with which we shall buy the land on which the Laboratory will be built. It is estimated that this might total £3 millions. Once acquired, we expect around 2 years to be spent in getting to know the land and consulting it before beginning the planning and design process.

Phase-3 will cover the cost of building the entire Laboratory complex which will incorporate living village accommodation for permanent residents, accommodation for visitors, a conference and events centre, workshop and farming buildings, glass houses and all that will contribute to making the Laboratory mostly self-sufficent in carefully selected areas.

Phase-4 will seek to attract funds that will enable the creation of sustainable businesses which will be set up and run to enable the Laboratory to maintain itself as a model living entity.


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