It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

Manacare Foundation


raised from 74


Targeting care in Sri Lanka & around the world

Manacare Foundation is a charity founded in 1994 by Joy Markham and has centres supporting children and families in countries around the world including: South Africa, Omsk, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. By far the largest project is in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka, where our Hopes & Dreams Village was set up by Joy following the devastating Tsunami of 2004 which left many families homeless and many children orphaned. This centre includes a thriving school; help and support for children with special needs including physiotherapy; support to families in need and also initiatives that train women to develop an income through sewing, crafts and other such activities. Above all it is a place of safety and of joy. Please do come and visit if you are ever in Sri Lanka! The charity is proud to be run purely by volunteers so that all money raised can be spent on the services provided to those in need.


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