

raised of $250 target from 9 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Hey Everyone, thanks for visiting Matt and Laura's fundraising page for The Great North Run 2020. We have been hosts with the charity for two visits now so it means a lot to us! Please donate anything you can. Friends of Chernobyl's Children (UK) is a national charity founded in 1994 that brings children, who are at medical and social risk from the after effects of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, from Belarus to the UK for a month every year. The Northallerton group was founded in 1998 and celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2018. In June a new group of children - 6 boys and 8 girls - came to stay with families in the local area. This summer (2019) we are bringing an additional boy and girl over with our current group, making a total of 16 children - our biggest group to date! Next year we hope to bring a second group of older children over for a short visit in the summer. Nationally, over 1,000 children come to Britain every year from orphanages or disadvantaged homes to stay with host families. All the children are given a full year's supply of vitamins and medicine for them and, where possible, other members of their family as well as clothing and other items to help them and their families.


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Friends of Chernobyl's Children is a registered charity that funds and organises yearly visits for Belarusian children from disadvantaged...
