It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October




raised of £2,000 target from 37 people

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This fundraiser has ended and cannot be donated to

Back me to run a marathon for Kenya Street Boys
I am running the London Marathon in support of struggling families in Kenya! As someone who has grown up in South Africa, I have been shaped by this beautiful country and continent, especially its incredible and diverse people. In my adult life, my work as a Public Speaker for the Africa Trust took me into East and West Africa. Here, I was was exposed to the incredible beauty of the places and people of Africa, as well as the widespread suffering across our continent. In these instances, I was deeply drawn to the people I met and have been transformed through the relationships built. My perspective will always be shaped by these experiences. The charity I am representing is International Needs UK ( The work they do in Africa to support and empower families to break out of cycles of poverty is critical and inspiring. It is a privilege to raise funds on their behalf, and in particular on behalf of the Street Boys who live in Nairobi, Kenya (see this 1-minute video about the project: It is so worth supporting, and every donation counts. Please consider helping me raise £2,000 for International Needs UK. Help me run the London Marathon on 2nd October 2022.


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Fundraising for

We are a worldwide development agency working to help families suffering through poverty and crises to create a sustainable future. Throu...
