OneWave Surfing Experience


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Surfing and salt water therapy tackling mental health issues
OneWave is a not-for-profit organisation raising awareness for mental health through surfing and the well-being of the ocean. OneWave is known for their Fluro Friday initiative, promoting widespread mental health awareness through dressing in bright colours and meeting weekly at beaches around the world. OneWave has recently launched a support program called the OneWave Surfing Experience, a 12-week learn-to-surf program for people experiencing mental health issues! Through this project we aim to raise $5,000 which will establish one new OneWave Surfing Experience program - giving 10 people experiencing mental health issues the chance to get in the ocean. OneWave strives to promote mental health as a normal part of life, and the notion that 'it's OK not to be OK'. Mental health is a real issue in society, affecting 1 in 5 people worldwide, or 450 million people globally. This is an alarming statistic which OneWave aims to tackle, bringing mental health to the forefront of mainstream conversation. Through your support in the OneWave Surfing Experience, you too can help in changing peoples' lives.

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