It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

One Youth Dance


raised from 13


Help us raise £5,000 to continue our life-changing work!

“Everyone has a safe and happy place, thanks for being mine.” Daniela, 15

We are a charity working to improve the lives of London's young people, created by a 17 year old dancer passionate about the power of dance to transform lives.

In the last four years we've worked with 400 young dancers, reached thousands through live performance, provided emotional support and advocacy to young people at challenging transitional stages in life, and year on year successfully supported participants in gaining access to further education.

Most importantly though, we've changed many young lives.

On the 30th October 2015 our dancers are taking part in a dance marathon to raise funds crucial to our survival in an ever changing world.

Our target is £5,000 and you can support the dancers efforts online here, every penny you give really does make a difference.

Thank you so much,

One Youth Dance


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