It's 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Week until Friday 31st July

Q. Learning Nepal Trust CIO


raised from 68


£1,000.00 raised from other platforms
Funds for children and teaching in a poor Nepali region

We are appealing urgently for any donation, however small. We guarantee that 98% (after platform fees) of your money will go directly to support the teachers, children and their families at Q. Learning Nepal Trust schools. Your funds will… a) Help us support the basic needs of our children, teachers and their families; b) Sustain our schools throughout the coronavirus pandemic as we keep learning alive on the mountainsides; and c) Will ensure Q. Learning Nepal Trust is still here to support the children with better life chances through education when it is all over. The Q. Learning Nepal Trust is a combined team of Nepali educators and Western social entrepreneurs. Together we make it possible for children and young people in remote Hangdewa and environs, on the slopes of Kangchenjunga Nepal, to have better life chances through education. We built our first school there 13 years ago. With your help, our Trust will sustainably fund and inspire a quality education and a connection to the World for 200 children at a time. As a team of Nepalis and Westerners, we put the village at the centre of its future and of each young person’s endeavours. Please take a flip through our website to learn more about the school… Just like the rest of the World, our schools and Nepal went into ‘lockdown’ a few months ago. Our schools are in one of the poorest regions of the World. The children’s families are predominantly farmers, ‘day’ workers (for example tailors) or labourers/security guards in the Middle East and, when they are not attending school, the children work alongside other family members. During lockdown, fathers in the Middle East have returned and are not providing an income and people are not allowed to visit others’ houses - making life very difficult for the ‘hard poor’. The children were overjoyed when they were able to return to school again a few weeks ago. However, the Nepalese Government has reinstated further lockdown restrictions. Our children are devastated, as are the teachers, whom we managed to furlough and fund during the previous lockdown. Our funds have now dwindled as we have supported the teachers and the families for the last nine months: without working, they have no money to put food on the table. £30 allows us to provide food for a child’s family for a month. £87.50 pays a teacher’s salary for a month and £350 pays a salary or furlough for a whole term. We very much appreciate your support and please follow and like us…. On Facebook and Instagram


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One terms salary or furlough - £350.00

£350 pays a salary or furlough for a whole term

One month teachers salary - £88.00

£87.50 pays a teacher’s salary for a month.

One months family food - £30.00

£30 allows us to provide food for a child’s family for a month
