

raised of $500 target from 17 people

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Rachel Collier is raising $500 for Global Giving UK
Having previously spent three weeks in Nepal, trekking through the Himalayas and up to Everest Base Camp through Goyko and Chola Pass and spending time in Chitwan and Kathmandu with some of the most friendly and welcoming people I have ever met I am saddened to see the devastation caused by the recent earthquake and places destroyed I visited. The lives lost, injuries suffered and destruction is unimaginable. I am raising money to help the victims of this disaster. Any small amount is greatly welcome. I will be running the Chester half marathon on 17th May 2015 - my first attempt at a half marathon!! ***UPDATE*** On 17th May 2015 I sucessfully ran the Chester Half Marathon. I was able to achieve this in 2:04:19 - with a great well paced race. I'm not going to lie, it was hard and today (Monday 18th) I can hardly climb up the stairs despite doing lots of post-marathon stretches and yoga! If you want to see my official results you can do so http://www.tdl.ltd.uk/race-results.php If you pick the Chester Half Marathon as the race and enter my race number of 6465 you will be able to see the details of my race. Thank you so much to those that have sponsored me - there is still time to donate and I am very grateful for the huge generosity from friends, family and anonymous Guardian readers!!


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