

raised of $150 target from 3 people

Emily Thorley is raising $150 for The Harry Johnson Trust
So...I've let myself go a bit and really need to get back to being fit and healthy again. I've decided to take part in the Shrewsbury seven bridges 10km run on 20th September, and if training goes to plan, will also be able to take part in the Draycote Water 10K in August. I don't just want to get fit though - I want to do something for one of the most deserving charities I could think of - The Harry Johnson Trust. I was one of the junior doctors working on the ward when Harry sadly passed away last year. Although I am no longer working as a doctor, I will always remember his smile, his bravery and the importance of the small things in really tough situations. Harry's parents have set up The Harry Johnson Trust to support local families who have children with cancer - to make those tough situations just a tiny bit easier. Please sponsor me in my quest to get fit and raise money for a cause that is really close to my heart. Thank you. Emily


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Fundraising for

Providing support to children with cancer who receive care from the oncology team at The Princess Royal Hospital in Shropshire.
