It's Stoptober until Sunday 1st November

Save Suranji


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SAVE A LIFE Please Share Rural Negombo, Sri Lanka. Today I met Suranji, who came to visit us at the home of a local charitable giver. She first underwent live donor kidney transplantation in March 2009 and although the surgery was successful, her body has since rejected the graft. She is now in need of a new kidney, and a match has been found with a local Buddhist monk who has promised to donate one of his. Despite the technology and a willing donor being available, Suranji’s family spent the last of their money on her first operation and cannot afford to cover her medical expenses. She has a 5 month wait until the new transplantation can be carried out, and to keep her alive she must be on haemodialysis twice a week, costing just under £300 a month. On top of that the operation will cost £1,450, her anti-rejection injections £1,570, and a weekly cost for trips to the hospital in the capital city of £20. Suranji’s husband works as a carpenter, machining wood and earning just £4.30 a day. So far generous locals have raised funds for her haemodialysis, but this cannot last long. She vomits regularly, cannot eat properly, struggles to walk, and is restricted to drinking just 50ml a day. Without this treatment she cannot live. I am appealing to my friends to help save Suranji by donating whatever they can using the link below, and sharing her story. Any amount will help, big or small. Let’s spread the word and give her many more years to enjoy a beautiful life. Thank you

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