It's Children's Mental Health Week until Wednesday translation missing: ja.number.nth.ordinalized February




raised of $500 target from 55 people

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Katie Warren is raising $500 for Animals Asia Foundation
Starting October 18th, I'll be wearing 15 pounds of steel chain (an adult's bowling ball weighs between 14 and 16 lb.) for five nights and days, to aid the work of the Animals Asia foundation. The two metre length of chain will be padlocked to my wrists and ankles, demonstrating of a small fraction of the discomfort some of Asia's animals are subjected to. The chain is of industrial strength and designed for pulling tractors. It will prevent me from lifting my arms, and also put a great deal of strain on my shoulders. I'm doing this because an estimated 12,000 Asian black bears (or "moon bears") are still being kept on barbaric bile farms across China and Vietnam. There they are kept in tiny cages and milked daily of their bile for use in traditional Asian medicine. In China, the bears have open fistulas carved into their gallbladders from which the bile freely drips. In Vietnam, where bile farming is illegal but still widespread, their gall bladders are punctured by unsterile needles and the bile withdrawn through a section pump. In both countries, the bears spend the duration of their thirty year life span kept in cages that make it impossible to move or turn around. The bile extraction methods result in a litany of excruciating diseases and mutilation suffered by these bears, rendering their bile arguably highly toxic. And yet the cruelty continues. Over fifty herbal alternatives to bear bile, and some synthetic ones, exist making the bears suffering even more unnecessary. The bears are deliberately deprived of all but essential food and drink as thirsty bears produce more bile and, when their productivity falls, many are left to die of dehydration as the farmers do not wish to pay for humane euthanasia. Please help spread awareness of this travesty. I'd urge you to watch this 4 minute video put together by Animals Asia which explains more or visit the website where there is information on petitions also. Please donate and spread awareness of this appalling industry. Thank you so much. There is a short video of my experience at


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Animals Asia is working to end the barbaric practice of bear bile farming. Its Moon Bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam are helping to ...
