It's Dementia Awareness Week until Thursday translation missing: es.number.nth.ordinalized May




raised of $850 target from 31 people

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Scott Hogan is raising $850 for Alzheimer's Research UK
I've signed up to cycle 100 miles in London's Prudential Ride 100 on August 2nd in memory of my Grandad, Donald 'Smiler' Smith, and all those who've been robbed of their final years by Alzheimer's Disease. Whatever support you can give, whether it's some encouragement for long days in the saddle, or a donation to help in the search for a cure, it'll mean a lot to me -- thank you. Grandad died 8 years ago from Alzheimer's. It was through the walks in the woods he took us on as kids that I got my love of the outdoors and being active. So now I'm raising money to help move the search for a cure forward by doing what I know how to do: spinning my pedals. I've never even ridden a road bike before, let alone ridden that far, in fact a few years ago I'd have sworn blind that you'd never get me on one! Now it looks like my day in lycra is upon me and I reckon I've got a fair bit of training ahead -- especially if I want to complete the route in a decent time! You can follow my progress on Strava and see how I get on in preparation events in the run up. Thank you again for helping the fight against this awful disease. Cheers - Scott P.S. You'll need to register to do gift aid or leave your name, both of which would be awesome so I can a) raise more money and b) thank you!


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Alzheimer's Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity. As research experts, we fund world-class pioneering scientists to ...
