It's Blood Cancer Awareness Month until Thursday 1st October

Sian Ross


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'OpporCHANCEity Knocks Variety Theatre Company' (OKVT) is a new project directed by Scottish Charity At Home At The Theatre (AHATT). AHATT is a professional touring theatre company whose work involves touring variety theatre; training in performance and technical theatre; participatory theatre involving people living with dementia in residential care. Thanks to funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, AHATT set up OKVT in November 2023, to challenge social isolation and loneliness among adults in the community of Craigshill, Livingston by offering membership of a new, inclusive training theatre company free to adults aged 16+, with no upper age limit. Craigshill is an area of social and economic deprivation with little access to theatre activities in the local community. The project is based at Spark in Craigshill, who generously donated the use of their premises free of charge, for rehearsals. OKVT's members credit participation in the group with a reduction in anxiety and depression and praise the project for the opportunity it offers. Here is just some of our members' feedback: 'This is a childhood dream!' (Member, aged 80) 'I love the I love that the atmosphere is really inclusive and nobody judges anyone for any reason which makes it a fun place to be.' (Member, aged 17) 'This is my safe space. It gives you the opportunity to believe in yourself' (Member, 30s). 'Due to my health, there are not many places I can perform now; it has lifted me by being involved' (Member, 70s, former professional musician).
