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SuRG Foundation




Gracias por visitar nuestra página en Givey y por ayudarnos a recaudar fondos

STARSurg and GlobalSurg are run by the SURG Foundation, a UK registered charity.

The SURG Foundation works for the public benefit, to advance the education of medical students and doctors in surgical science, clinical research and audit methods by promoting participation in collaborative clinical research and audit studies.

We need your support to help keep the charity running: • Collaborator meetings • Our REDCap computer system • New education and training materials • Open access publications • Administrative support

The success of the collaborative depends on YOUR support!

We suggest a donation of: • £10 for medical students • £15 for qualified doctors • £25 for consultants

Thank you for your contribution. With your help we will be able to continue running national and international collaborative projects that are changing the face of surgical research!

Recaudaciones de fondos

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